Heathcote to Waterfall

Photo gallery review of whole walk.
Images are copyright, but more oftern then not wildwalks will give permission for republication for promoting bushwalking.Just contact to ask.

start of the service trail
Wildwalks image id = 113542
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.086118, 150.999985
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heading through the bush
Wildwalks image id = 113638
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.08741, 150.998825
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Bridge over Pipeline west of Freeman Rd
Wildwalks image id = 36534
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.086886, 150.995861
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following the pipeline service trail
Wildwalks image id = 113743
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.086806, 150.992996
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views from the pipeline track down to Heathcote Creek
Wildwalks image id = 37173
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.090427, 150.988436
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The Pipeline Servicetrail
Wildwalks image id = 36651
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.090969, 150.985041
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views from the pipeline track down to Heathcote Creek
Wildwalks image id = 37173
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.090427, 150.988436
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passing a small picnic area
Wildwalks image id = 113890
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.095538, 150.979691
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the Battery Causeway
Wildwalks image id = 113908
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.095702, 150.979266
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looking upcreek from the Battery Causeway
Wildwalks image id = 113902
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.095779, 150.979385
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looking down to the Battery Causeway
Wildwalks image id = 114430
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.095996, 150.979218
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views of Heathcote Creek from the track
Wildwalks image id = 36780
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.096461, 150.979347
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following the Bullawarring track
Wildwalks image id = 36777
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.09948, 150.979238
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The ridges of Heathcote National Park
Wildwalks image id = 37170
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.1092, 150.97335
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Looking down at the creek from the track
Wildwalks image id = 36882
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.122169, 150.972358
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Following the track markers
Wildwalks image id = 114748
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.127361, 150.976553
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Looking down on Kingfisher Pools
Wildwalks image id = 114805
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.12648, 150.977588
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Kingfisher Pool Campsite
Wildwalks image id = 36972
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.126558, 150.978163
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heading through the dense bushland
Wildwalks image id = 114934
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.128684, 150.982702
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Lake Toolooma service trail
Wildwalks image id = 37002
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.129736, 150.986286
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The bushtrack between the Talooma Servicetrails
Wildwalks image id = 37158
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.129886, 150.986541
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climbing up out of the valley
Wildwalks image id = 115684
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.130745, 150.989594
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following the service trail towards the houses
Wildwalks image id = 115750
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.130203, 150.99118
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gate at end of Warabin Road
Wildwalks image id = 115759
(See more images near this one)

Location: -34.130227, 150.991986
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